Build Sponsorships
You can help in a variety of ways to help provide decent, affordable housing for those in need. Your partnership is valuable and necessary for our success.
About Sponsorships:
We have several opportunities for sponsoring Events, A Brush With Kindness Projects, Our Construction Projects and additional opportunities when available. These partnerships can include Team Building Opportunities for the Sponsor (when available), and several levels of recognition.
Sponsorship opportunities begin at $500 and go up to $200,000 offering varying levels of marketing and publicity. If you are interested, contact PVHFH at 909-596-7098. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
Between $150,000 and $200,000 needs to be raised for each Habitat House built in our local area. Please help us raise funds by making a commitment to provide volunteers and pay for some sizable part of the building costs which could include: Raise funds for a roof Construct a foundation Landscaping, etc. Providing snacks and Saturday lunches for workers. If you are interested, contact PVHFH at 909-596-7098. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.